Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Reading Roulette

I must admit that I haven't personally chosen most of my reading material this summer. I've been like a reading robot, getting book lists, checking those books out of the library and reading them.

Still, even though I haven't been personally discerning, I've read some great stuff.

I have been reading children's and young adult literature from the list of Willow Award nominees. These are Canadian books nominated by children's librarians and other interested parties in our province. Students across the province vote for their favourite book in their age category. Then, next spring, the votes will be tabulated and the winners announced.

My goal is to get every student in our school to vote for their favourite. And I thought if I read each of the books, I would have a better idea how to motivate the students to get reading, once the fall arrives.

For more grown-up reading material, I've been using the Globe and Mail fiction bestseller lists, both hardcover and paperback. I'm trying to read them all, whether I think I'll like them or not. Discipline, you know. I have to admit - I haven't loved them all - but I'm proud of myself, slogging through each and every one.

And you know, some of the books I never would have picked up otherwise, have been some of my favourites.

Just goes to show, you can't judge a book by its cover...


Anonymous said...

I love lists like this! Unfortunately I left my passion for reading somewhere off a long time ago. I used to be a voracious reader. I love to read to the girls, though.

Lowa said...

What a great idea!

Are you anxious to get back in the classroom and teach or are you enjoying your break???

Bathroom Hippo said...

I've just started reading....

I mean for the get my mind adjusted for school. Heh...Yes I can read!

Big Pissy said...

I'll have to tell my daughter about this list.

Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

You have inspired me to look at a picture a day. For at least a week. Maybe I can work my way into books in a year or two..

Library Mama said...

Jamie - You've lost that readin' feelin'? Oh no - you've got to get it back! It is fun to read to kids, though, isn't it? When your girls get just a little older, I recommend Barbara Park's "Junie B. Jones" series. We did a lot of laughing out loud when I read the series to the boys.

Lowa - I'm still really enjoying my break, but once August hits, I'll start planning in earnest for the new year.

Hippo - Are you going back to school in the fall? Really? Or are you playing with my mind?

Pissy - The books are pretty good, but she may have trouble getting some of them because they are all Canadian.

Happy - I encourage you to work your way up. There are many good books out there. ;-)

Booklogged said...

Hi. I found my way to your blog from the Thursday Thirteen blogroll. I love to read and was interested in the lists you referred to. You mentioned that some on the list have turned out to be favorites. Which ones did you like and which ones would you not recommend?

I have 2 blogs and I don't know which will show up if you click on the link. My reading blog is and you're welcome to visit. I'll check back to see if you have any recommendations to offer.

Library Mama said...

Hi booklogged,

It is so nice to meet you! Are you sure it was from the Thursday Thirteen blogroll you found me, because I've never done Thursday Thirteen. I usually do Thankful Thursday.

Anyway, it is very kind of you to comment. I appreciate it.

You asked about recommendations from my reading lists. I don't usually pick up mysteries. I tend more toward general fiction, so I was surprised to find that I enjoyed Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series so much. The books are gripping and action-filled, but don't take themselves too seriously. I just finished the second in the series, and will probably do a review of it sometime in the next few days. Keep checking in.

And again - welcome. :-)
