Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The F-Bomb

#3 got into big trouble yesterday.

When I picked him up at the city's rec program that he attends, he greeted me with the words, "I said a bad word today."

Turns out, it wasn't a bad word; it was the bad word.

Before we left, I made him formally apologise to the girl leading the group. Then, we had a lo-o-ong talk in the van.

I won't speculate on where he heard the word. I know it wasn't from me, but - let's face it - he has two older brothers who have lots of friends hanging around. Could've been from there.

Oops! Guess that was me speculating, wasn't it?

Oh dear.....

Any ideas how I should deal with this?


Bathroom Hippo said...


There's something fu**ing wrong here...and I don't mean to be the one fu**ing assuming or anything but I think it was his fu**ing father!

Lol kidding

Anonymous said...

I have always found that if you make a really big deal out of things that kids will never do them again.
Or is it the other way around.
Maybe try both..

Library Mama said...

Hippo - If he could read, I'd be blaming you!

Happy - I did sort of try both. We made a huge deal out of it yesterday, then not so much today. Then a review before I dropped him off again today.

No problems today - linguistically speaking, anyway. Cross your fingers for the rest of the summer. ;-)

Lowa said...

We don't use bad words here. Not even P*ss or Sh*t or D*mn or anything.

But we DO say "Friggin'" or "Freakin'". When said by a small child in a fit of rage, it can sound like THE F word. Usually does. And let's face it, we might as well be saying the real one!

Then I made the mistake of referring to it as "THE F word". So if they say it and no one heard, they might hear me remind the child, "We don't say the F word, remember??" Then I REALLY get disgusted looks from people! LOL

My two youngest don't even know what the true F word is!!! The older two only recently heard it. They had no idea what it was of course. I thought I did great keeping them from that word for this long, don't you?? LOL

As for dealing with it, just tell him you don't want him to say it. Say we don't use those words, they are rude. Then pretty much leave it, I think. I dunno.

There isn't much you can do, they hear it eventually anyway. As long as he doesn't hear his family say it, that is all you can really do. But I think if you make too big a deal out of it, depending on his personality and how much of a "pleaser" or a "rebel" he is, you may make it worse. He may love the attention he gets if he does use it, you know what I mean???
