Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Cell-ebration or Complication

I have a new cell phone.

It has capabilities I'm sure I will never figure out.

Main Man felt that it was time that #1 had a cell phone. I did not agree, but that's another story, perhaps to be told sometime in the future.

Anyway, on the family plan to which we subscribe, Main Man purchased a new phone for me, and #1 gets my old phone. He has already discovered features on that old phone that I never knew it was capable of.

To many of you, I'm sure, this new phone will seem old news, but to me, it means a large learning curve. It can take photos and video, it has mp3 capabilities, it has a multitude of ringtone capabilities - oh - and I can send and receive phone calls.

Do I need all of this? No. But Main Man thought I would enjoy it, so I have to give him points for thoughtfulness.

I think I need to take a summer course on how to use this new contraption, though.


Mentok said...

I seem to recall various conversations along the lines of "it would be nice to have a camera phone 'cause we're always forgetting our camera at the kids' events"...Conversations in which you either whole-heartedly agreed or, in one or two instances, initiatied.

Don't challenge me, woman. As you know, I'm currently at the peak of my Defence Against the Dark Arts of Women abilities ;-)

But, you did say it was thoughtful, so thanks for that.

Lowa said...

You guys are so funny!

My 11 year old is BEGGING for a cell phone. I only let him use mine if he is going somewhere with friends, then he can call if he needs to and I can call him and tell him to come home. Why he thinks he needs his own, I will never know! LOL

I have had mine for two years and still have no idea what all the thing does. It is almost time to trade them in (I guess one does that every two years or something??) and apparently when hubby and I trade our's in, we will get ones that sound similar to your's. Cameras and whatnot.

Good times!

I guess.

And yes, Mentok, that would be a good ad for dyslexia. LOL Is this a real photo of you?? It looks oddly familar. Since you guys are in Sask, this is freaking me out. What if we know each other!?!? LOL

Also, Library Mama, you are right. Click was very sad, but certainly had it's funny points. The message of Family first was AWESOME! You should see it. My older two boys and I will be at the Theatre tonight for a midnight showing of "Pirates". We are SO EXCITED! Are you guys fans also??

Lowa said...

Ok, I just read what your husband said about the dyslexia ad to a few of my kids how happen to be handy and my oldest (almost 14) almost fell off the couch laughing! LOL

My 11 year old wants to know how old #1 is?? LOL I said I think he is 12 (am I right??) and he grunted something. I never should have told him that # 1 now has a cell!! You would think I would learn! ARG!

Big Pissy said...

I never know one-fourth of the stuff my phone is capable of doing....

I just accept it and carry on.... ;-)

Bathroom Hippo said...

Women are EVIL!!!

-hits the wall to turn on the cell phone-

Ayyyyyyyh Mrs. M!!!

Library Mama said...

Mentok - Yes, I guess you're right about the camera part, but I'm not sure I'll ever use the video part or the mp3. I mean - you just got me an mp3 for Mother's Day - why would I need one on my phone?!

Lowa - No, I'm afraid that pic is not of me. I just Googled it.

Is it "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" that you saw? We have the DVD of the first one, but haven't seen the second one yet. And, yes, we are big movie fans.

Yes, #1 is 12 yo. But you can tell Jock that we hang on to #1's phone unless he's going somewhere we feel he will need it. Also, after he's been out with it, his dad checks the call history to make sure he isn't abusing the privilege.

Pissy - I'm slowly learning to let go of the guilt. ;-)

Hippo - Oh, Peter, problems in the romance department? Come visit Mrs. M. anytime you need an ear, a shoulder, a cup of hot cocoa and a cookie.

Karen - Great to have you back. Glad to hear you had a great 40th weekend bash.

Lowa said...

Ok I will tell Jock.

The movie just comes out today, that is why we needed to go to a midnight showing since we could not wait until this afternoon:)

I meant the picture of Mentok, not you. Sorry for the confusion! That photo of him looks like some singer guy or something. Can't put my finger on it!!!

Mentok said...

lowa, it's actor Jude Law you are thinking of. Yes, the resemblance is astounding. I get that all the's quite embarassing, really.

The picture both is and isn't real. It started off as a photo, but it's been pretty heavily photoshopped. My skin, for example, is not actually green ;-)
Most of the distinguishing features have been altered in one way or another, so it no longer looks all that much like me.

But, as you say, Saskatchewan is a pretty small place, so you never know. The pics of you on your site don't look familiar to me, though. Perhaps the alleged Catwoman-like pics might refresh my memory ;-)

Lowa said...


I know, I need to get those out on here. Although, the photos I am thinking of are only the face, not full body shots. The only proof of my previous smokin' body is one BAD photo (good enough of the bod, BAD of the face) that hubby keeps somewhere to drool over and remember the good ole days! LOL Poor guy. I am planning on joining Jenny Craig soon, though. If Kirstie Alley can do it, so can I!

Yes, that is who it is you reminded me of...Jude Law. Thanks! It was driving me nuts:) The green is a nice touch, btw.
