Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Those Who Can, Teach

Can someone know you better than you know yourself?

I spent a year in Europe when I was seventeen. It was an annus mirabilis. I grew up that year.

When I returned, my mother had enrolled me in the College of Education. I was livid. No way was I going to be a teacher - just a teacher.

What I really wanted to be was a psychologist. I was the kid in high school who helped everyone - male and female - with their problems. I saw that as my vocation.

Besides, what eighteen-year-old likes their mother making decisions for them?

Once I realized that my mother's scheme was inevitable, my plan was to take the first year of Education, then switch over to Arts for my second year. Thing is, there's a little thing called momentum.

By the time I finished first year, it seemed too much like work to switch over. Besides, after putting some research into it, I discovered that you don't get far in Psychology without your masters. I wasn't quite sure I was willing to invest seven years. I wanted to make money ASAP.

Alright, alright, Mother, I'll be a teacher - but I'm not going to like it!

In the fall of my fourth year, I became an intern teacher. I taught with a brilliant experienced teacher in a classroom of wonderful fourth graders. I was hooked! There wasn't a day I didn't come home with an interesting story to entertain whoever would listen.

No two days are ever the same when you work with children. This job never gets boring. In fact, I could use a little boring now and then.

I suppose my only complaint about the job has absolutely nothing to do with the kids; it's the homework. I remember a classmate of mine in college telling me that we were entering a profession in which we would have homework every night of our lives. I laughed it off - yeah, right! It's true though. I do take July off. But the homework starts up again in August, when I start preparing for the new school year.

Despite this, I am right where I was meant to be.

I still wonder, though - how did my mother know that, when I didn't?


Library Mama said...
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Mentok said...

Does annus mirabilis mean what I think it does?

Oh, no. It means "wonderful YEAR".

Those Latin words are easy to confuse.

Anonymous said...

Boy, could this time be "third time lucky"? The first time I sent this (incorrectly of course) I was saying that yes, mothers do know you better than anyone else. However,as you have proven, others who don't even know me apparently know me!!! Either that or my reputation has preceeded me!
Perhaps my comments should have gone under your fishnet stockings... so to speak!
Now having admitted my true identity to others (besides you)I'm wondering if I'll still have a job in the morning!!!

Penny Hoar

Library Mama said...

Hi, Mentok. Yes, that is what it means.

Nice to see you, Penny. Come visit anytime.
