Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Cr(H)appy Easter!

Happy Easter, everyone!

We have had a - shall we say - very interesting day.

It all started last night when Main Man and I went out after supper to buy Easter Bunny goodies. I know we shouldn't have left it 'til the last minute, but at least that way, we didn't have to worry about the kids finding our hiding place.

By the time we got home, it was late enough that I was very tired. Main Man, on the other hand, had promised to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail with the boys, so he was bound and determined to keep his promise.

I tried to sit through it, but just couldn't make it. I was so tired!

So I went to bed.

Normally that would not have been such a big deal, but, because I had gone to bed before the boys, the Easter Bunny did not make an appearance - not at his usual time, anyway.

Therefore, he showed up at about 5:00 a.m. (if you know what I mean).

Luckily, I was able to get back to sleep after he woke me up (;-), and I got up to get ready for church around 8:30. The boys dribbled out of bed one at a time shortly after I did, and they were quite excited about their baskets. (Except that, unbeknownst to me- and the Easter Bunny evidently - they all decided they did not like dark chocolate. Funny, it's my favourite. Guess I'll have to eat theirs up for them.).

Anyway, we were about 15 minutes away from leaving for church when Main Man noticed something wrong with Ruffy, our schnoodle. It's difficult to put this delicately. Poor Ruffy had managed to stick a lump of poop the size of an egg to his bottom.

There was no way to remove it easily, so I stripped down (I was already in my church outfit.) and proceeded to bathe our uncomfortable pooch. Now that was a glamourous Easter morn!

We did manage to arrive at church on time, and everything went very smoothly there. Lots of "Happy Easter!"s and "Great to see you"s, and all of my boys actually listened to the sermon (I love our new minister!).

In the afternoon, we began our Easter holiday family project of clearing and cleaning out the basement. We have a contractor coming to begin foundation repair (Our house is 51 years old and built on a swamp.) in early May, so we're trying to either remove or sort out all of the items in the basement before then.

Of course, part of the clean-up process involves cleaning up after our little critter visitors of late. By the way, for anyone who has been following the Library Mama Mouse Saga, we seem to have beaten them. No new signs of their presence in over a week. Believe me, had there been any new evidence, you would not have seen me cleaning up in the basement today!

Anyway, as Main Man pointed out as he worked away at a storage closet filled with evidence (to put it delicately) of our little friends, we were sure having a "crappy" Easter this year.

I sincerely hope that none of you, my fair friends, have had as crappy an Easter as we have had, and that yours was instead very happy.


Dino said...

poor pooch. Mhh I would like dark chocolate in my basket maybe the bunny got us confused I got some dark chocolate but also lots of gummy bears and milk chocolate.

mist1 said...

As I type this, my guinea pig is staring at me, pleading for me to remove the crap stuck to her rear.

I am pretending not to notice her.

Library Mama said...

Katy - I'm sure the boys would trade you their dark choc for your milk choc.

Mist - Believe me, I would have ignored Ruffy if I was sure he wouldn't have tried to clean himself off on my living room carpet!

Grumps said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grumps said...

Spent the last two days of the weekend (even though I worked Sat - but it was a very slow day) watching and listening (on the Internet) to hockey as I was in the hunt for some hockey pool cash.

One of my guys scored with 45 seconds to go in the very last game of the season, pulling me into a tie for second and earning me more than 3rd place money. Not bad, considering I was cashless in 8th about a week ago.

Also saw my team finish 1st overall amid hype that they're a real contender to take it all.

Now that's what I qualify as happy Easter.

Library Mama said...

Congrats on the hockey pool cash! Now there's something truly useful from the Easter Bunny.

Unknown said...

Please don't think me a bad person, but your posting made me smile.

Being too selfish to ever have kids (or indeed a dog - two cats is much easier), we at Villain Mansions forget how difficulat and stressful holidays such as Easter, Xmas, Halloween etc. can be for mums & dads.

Such patience, understanding, love and affection.

Ma' truly are a saint.

Library Mama said...

JC - You are sweet, but I actually don't think sainthood is in my future. It's simply all in a day's work.

And I'm pleased it all made you smile. That's one reason I felt compelled to post it - because I knew that someday, it would be something that even I could smile about. And I'm getting there slowly.

Lowa said...

LM-GOOD HEAVENS! INteresting certainly is a good word to use! Crappy is even better! LOL Sorry to laugh and like you said, you are getting to the point where you may also be able to.

Brom has done the poop stuck to the rear a few times. Dork that I was, I tried to wipe his bum on the grass and as he struggled, and I tried not to drop him, I had to hold him with both hands and ended up with...shall we say...stuff on my hand that I DID NOT want on my hand! We BOTH needed a bath after that episode! YUCK!

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Mine was peaceful...serene but yours sounds far from crappy, LM! Fancy an Easter Bunny showing up at 5.00am! I mean, still... *gin*
No, you sound like you had a wonderful time & family togetherness with you Main Man & the boys always feel like gold to me.
Thank you for wishing me on my blog. I'm only so sorry my wishes to you came late.

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

That wasn't *gin*. No, no.
That was *grin*.
Back to the red face. :-)

Library Mama said...

Lowa - So great to have you back. I'm glad you had a good trip up to the "Great White North".

Susan - No need for the red face. Your post made me wish the Easter Bunny had brought me some gin!
