Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful...

...that we are out of the deep freeze we were in this time last week. It's 25 degrees warmer today than it was last Thursday. Now this is manageable.

...that my dad and his wife made it to Hawaii safely. They had to leave a day later than expected due to a huge blizzard that shut down the airport, but Dad phoned last night, and they are safe and sound in their sunny spot now.

...that #3 has recovered. He had a terrible cold on Sunday and Monday. We kept him home from school on Monday, and Main Man (who stayed home with him) said that he slept pretty much all day. Keeping him home was obviously the right decision, as he is almost completely recovered now.

...for Chuck E. Cheese's. Although it may not be my idea of a good time, my boys (all four of them!) love it. It is almost always their choice when they are allowed to choose where to have supper on their birthday. As they bounce around entertaining themselves, I sit at our table and get homework done, so I guess everyone is happy.

...for Wal-Mart pizza. Last night, Main Man and I were fortunate enough to go out for supper - a fundraiser banquet thingy. The boys begged me to pick up a Wal-Mart frozen pizza for them on my way home from work. For $3.98, I can feed them something they love to eat. And you know, it isn't that bad, as frozen pizzas go.

...that my dryer, although it sounds as if it's on its last legs, is still working. Main Man tells me that, with the noises it's making, the motor will probably seize up soon, but it's been making those noises since before Christmas, so I figure every load I get done now is pretty much gravy at this point. We bought the poor old thing second-hand when we got married 17 and a half years ago, so I think it's probably time to let it die with dignity.

...that #2 has shown interest in another activity. Tuesday, he signed up for Tae Kwon Do, and he's very excited. His first lesson is tonight, and I hope he enjoys it as much as he thinks he will. (Aside: I have to tell you that I just don't quite understand these martial arts classes. There was a class in session when we signed him up, and it looked like these people were just doing the same motions over and over again. They were intent on their work and seemed to be getting something out of it, but it wouldn't be for me.)

Well, time to finish getting ready for work, I guess, speaking of doing the same thing over and over again. Have a great week everyone!


Dino said...

i love your thankfull posts maybe I need to copy them

but my main think to be thankful for this week (besides the star thing) is that Grumpy is giving Sassy another shot and does not insist on her leaving our family because she bit him

Bathroom Hippo said...

Wal-mart pizza...

I too am thankful for such foods.

Do you watch Battlestar Galactica with Mentok? I think he's a Cylon.

..................... said...

oh, my youngest adores the mouth place although we've never celebrated a birthday there. the closes one is about an hour away.

Library Mama said...

Katy - Go right ahead and take the Thankful Thursday idea. I originally got it from BlondeMom. It's a cool idea, isn't it?

Sorry to hear about Sassy, but I'm glad she's getting another chance.

Hippo - No, I do not watch BSG. Mentok may very well be a Cylon, as I have no idea what a Cylon is.

Schaumi - We've never had a birthday party there, and we probably never will. We just go there for birthday family suppers.

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

I know that anxious feeling of having a piece of machinery working after all.
Hope you had a happy thursday, LM.
love as always

Library Mama said...

Yes, Susan, the poor old thing is still working away, albeit in a very noisy fashion.

Happy Friday to you!

Lowa said...

I hope you get a new dryer out of the deal!! Often when my appliances act up, I get a bit excited at the idea of needing a shiney new one. Then Stud insists on fixing them:( One day, I will have new everything. Teehee

Course, then I remind myself that I have the appliances in the first place and did not have to walk two miles and carry water home on my head to wash some rags that we call clothes by hand with soap I made somehow. On top of it all, I would risk being raped the entire time. Kinda puts it all in perspective, eh?? Works for me when I get selfish and greedy (which is often) and feel bad for myself when something is on the fritz.

We go to Chucke E Cheese sometimes for lunch during the week. Well, we did when all the kids were homeschooled. They miss it! No one is there and they get the entire place to themselves for hours. I take a book or something I need to work on and they have a blast! We did Cryptic's Fourth birthday there and Jock's Third. Never again! LOL

Library Mama said...

Lowa - As much as I would love a new dryer, I quite dread having to pay for it. Yeah, Chuck E. Cheese was okay. We were there on a Tuesday evening, so it was really quiet - maybe two or three other families. #1's birthday fell on a Friday this year, if I remember correctly. It was packed that night.
