Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Even Old People Can Play Candyland

There are still a few Christmas stories left to tell. This is one of the cutest, I think.

#3 received the game "Candyland" as a gift, and he and I were getting ready to play a game Christmas morning. The rules state that the youngest player goes first. I read that to him and asked him who was the younger player between the two of us.

"I am, because I'm six!" he exclaimed.

"And I'm not, because I'm 41," I deadpanned.

His face suddenly clouded over, and he gasped, "You're so old!"

As soon as he said it, he realized that he may have hurt my feelings (though he actually didn't). Wanting to make things better, he took my face in his little hands and said, "I'm sorry - I didn't mean that in a bad way. I just want you around for a long, long time."

You know, it doesn't happen very often, but I was rendered speechless.


Bathroom Hippo said...


Okay so I just used the above mentioned punctuation for effect.

I've only played Candyland once in my life...and have never gone back since!

Library Mama said...

41 isn't so bad, Hippo. After all, the alternative to being 41 is not to be around at all, and that's not much of an alternative.

Gotta agree with you on Candyland - not the most stimulating of entertainment. Still, #3 likes it, so what can I do?

Dino said...

awwww he is so sweet. Kids can say the cutes things. I have played Candyland a few times while being an au pair / nanny

Grumps said...

LM, a few years back, Grumps Jr. coyly asked, "Dad, when did you get old?"

I immediately gave him a specific date and smiled while I waited for him to process it.

"Hey, that's my birthday!," he finally said.

Library Mama said...

Katy - He is pretty sweet, but I suppose I'm biased. ;-)

Grumps - I can very clearly visualize that conversation! ;-)

Bathroom Hippo said...

Why do you give the cutest kids the best grades?? WHY?!?

Library Mama said...

Just what are you talking about, Hippo?!

Anonymous said...

If you added the digits in your age you would have been younger.
You have a lot to learn about cheating in games, ha,ha..

Library Mama said...

Happy - will you act as my consultant? :-)

Lowa said...


Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Your No.3 is a charmer to boot.
I want to play the game, LM.
It's screaming out to me from your blog.
I don't care. Want to play, Want to play... :-)

with love

Library Mama said...

Lowa - I know. He's coming out with many of these types of words of wisdom lately.

Susan - Yes, he is the charmer, our boy! Really, Candy Land is not nearly as interesting as it looks. Don't feel like you're missing out.
