Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for...

... a car that will start even when the windchill is -47 degrees Celsius. Toyota Corollas rule!

... a cozy house where I can sit and drink hot cocoa with my family when the weather outside is crrrappy!

... my dad and stepmom having the opportunity to fly to Hawaii for a holiday. They've both worked so hard all their lives, and they deserve to enjoy their golden years.

... the opportunity to stand in front of a roomful of ten-year-olds and feel the excitement as they learn something new. It's palpable!

... how much my boys love tuna casserole. (That makes what-do-we-have-for-supper nights much easier!)

... my library assistant, who is not only one of the most efficient, hard-working women I know, but is also an incredible sounding-board and confidante.

... those times when I keep students in at recess so I can help them with their corrections, and they actually thank me when we're done.

... students who say thank you when I check a book out of the library for them. (Heck - for that matter, I'm thankful for kids who check books out of the library at all!)

... #2's teacher, who called yesterday to let us know that he had left his backpack at school. Unfortunately, we didn't get the message in time to get the backpack, but I really appreciate her efforts.

Have a great week, everyone!


Anonymous said...

That's a nice thankful list. Hope your weather warms up a bunch soon..

Bathroom Hippo said...

You keep some students in at recess??????

This violates some sort of law...Law of Moses...Law of Christ...Constitutional Amendment of Canada...errr do you guys even have a Constitution of some sort? Probably written on the back of a Hockey puck. eh? I just threw the eh in there for good measure.

Have a nice weekend!

Dino said...

uhhh I'd love to have weather that warrants hot coco. I WANT SNOWWWWW. I used to live in the libary but I hate giving books back so now I buy them

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

It's Thursday?
Already & again?
Lovely inspiring post as always, LM.

Library Mama said...

Thanks, Happy, I hope it gets warmer soon too. This is so hard!

Yeah, Hippo, I'm an ogre of a teacher. I think you and I established that a few months ago. ;-p You have a good weekend too!

Katy - I wish I could send you some of our snow! I know what you mean about the library. Still, I'd rather take them back than dust them.

Susan - I know. This week seemed to fly by. Thank you for your kind words.

Grumps said...

LM - we had a huge blizzard here, the biggest in 50 years. The upside is that we spent two evenings at home together - no running around. It was great. Then all the school people stayed home for a snow day while I had to get up and shovel out because I had a deadline that couldn't be missed.

Library Mama said...

Grumps - I had heard about the blizzard and I'm glad to hear all of the Grumps family is doing okay, other than the shovelling, of course.

My dad was supposed to leave for Hawaii on Wednesday. I think they left on Thursday, but I haven't had confirmation on that yet.
