Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I've Decided I Really Don't Like...


#1 had a friend sleep over last night. They camped out in the basement with junkfood, a couple of DVDs and a rented GameCube. Of course, #2 and #3 wanted to join in the fun, but #1 wouldn't hear of it. I tucked in two broken-hearted little boys as they listened to their older brother and his friend giggling it up in the basement.

They stayed up late (of course), resulting in grouchy, hard-to-deal-with children this morning. #1 even had the audacity to complain to me (albeit privately) that the sleepover wasn't nearly as fun as it could have been because his friend wanted to go to sleep at 2:00. I think his exact words were, "Who sleeps at a sleepover?!"

I don't even like it when the sleepover is at someone else's house. There's something about when our family is not together overnight that makes me feel uncomfortable. I've even caught myself doing a mental inventory when I awaken for a quick moment in the night. Is everyone in their beds where they're supposed to be? Just the sound of #2 snoring in the next room helps me settle back to slumber.

Looking back, I didn't like sleepovers as a kid either. I'm sure that makes me the ultimate in dweebie. I was the kid who got homesick and had to go home, so - yeah - do that twice and you never try again. I remember having girlfriends sleep over at my house, but I don't remember it being a huge deal. I don't remember begging for a sleepover, like my boys sometimes do.

I guess I'm just being a stick-in-the-mud. And - don't get me wrong - just because I don't care for them doesn't mean I deprive my kids of them.

But - no - I simply cannot say that I like sleepovers.


Dino said...

I don't think I ever went to sleep over. But I never got homesick in summer camps or overnight field trips

Library Mama said...

Katy - Does that mean that sleepovers aren't a big thing in Germany? Maybe I should go back there.

(Did I ever tell you that I lived in Germany for a year when I was 18 years old?)

Booklogged said...

I hate sleepovers for a upteen reasons. One reason is that I don't like to wake up to strange people in the house. I'll limit my gripes to one or else I'll be typing all day.

Library Mama said...

Hah - Booklogged, thank you for your support!

Did your kids like sleepovers when they were younger?

Lowa said...

Ah yes, I can relate.

Over all, I don't like them. I Know what you mean exactly. Jock has never been on one at almost 12 years old. Cryptic and Clown are really the only ones who have friends over or spend the night at friends' houses.

Cryptic's best bud J is awesome though. For some reason, it isn't the same when it is him. When he comes over, you can't even tell anyone else is here. He is such a part of the family, that nothing changes.

He usually comes to sleep over every few months. We often have him stay a few days at a time. They have known each other since Cryptic was not even two and the other boy just turned one. Met in the church nursery and his parents are great friends of our's. He is homeschooled, so normally (when we also homeschool) we can do this any time we want, don't have to wait for weekends like we do now.

Other than that, we don't really do sleep overs. Clown has a girl over a few times a year and he goes to her house. They are two months apart in age and have been buds since infancy. That is easier, they just go to sleep. And at a decent time too! LOL Few more years and I am sure we will stop these sleep overs because of the gender issue! LOL

The older kids?? Yeah, they stay up all night often times. Since Cryptic's friend J is like one of our own and they have all grown up together, they often allow the younger sibs to join in the video games, DVD watching, etc. They are really good about it and don't even complain. But if J stays two or three nights in a row, I lay down the law and tell all the others to leave the teenagers alone ONE night. They flash me grateful grins when I say that.

This puts me in mind of one time when the boys did not sleep at all. I may post about it. Sorry to go on so long, not sure where all that came from!!!

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

What comes across to me from your earlier lines, LM, is that you're all a tight, close-knit bunch and almost always, engaged in the kind of family togetherness that neither could do without.
A wonderful gift, I think!

Library Mama said...

Lowa - That's nice about Cryptic's friend. My #1 has a similar friend, who seems to fit right in and always seems to welcome the younger sibs (probably because he has younger sibs as well). Unfortunately, last night it wasn't him we had here.

Susan - We are pretty close, now that you mention it. And you're absolutely right that that is a wonderful gift! Take care.

Big Pissy said...

We had years and years and YEARS of sleepovers when my girls were little.

I don't miss them. ;-)

Library Mama said...

Pissy - I'm so pleased to hear from you other moms that I'm not the only one.
