Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Spiritual Musings from a Five-Year-Old

The boys and I were getting ready for church on Sunday.

They weren't the happiest of campers. They don't really like going to church when there is no Sunday School. We Sunday School teachers are still on our summer holiday.

Perhaps because he was a little grumbly, #1 chose this time to inform me that his best friend at camp was an atheist. I would have liked to have sat down and discussed things a little more thoroughly, but at the time this information was revealed, I was applying my mascara and could almost hear the church bell ringing.

#3 wandered in just as #1 was telling me, and he asked, "What does atheist mean?"

#1 proceeded to explain that it meant someone who didn't believe in God or any religion.

My wonderful littlest one looked at me, screwed up his nose like he does when he finds something hard to believe, and simply said, "That's so sad!"

I hugged him hard and long.

Who would care if we were a little late for church?


Anonymous said...

That is too sweet. Children really have an amazing amount of insight!

Bathroom Hippo said...

I once had an atheist over at a BBQ. He was the only one that didn't bring his own beef...because he believed that beef was err.. what is atheism?


- Potamus

Mentok said...

Oh, but wait there's more (sounds like one of those TV direct sales ads).

Later that same day, #1, #2 and I tried to hash out the confusing complexities of Christian afterlife mythology ...conventional notions of heaven and hell as they relate to Biblical Judgment Day, the Rapture, etc.

In the midst of it, #1 came out with another spiritual bon-mot:

"I don't think I would be able to enjoy heaven knowing that there are all those people suffering in hell."

When I later winkingly tried to assert the superiority of Buddhist beliefs, #2 made a snide comment about not wanting to come back as a bug. #1 surprised me by retorting:

"That's not Buddhist reincarnation, that's Hindu reincarnation."

I was amazed that he had absorbed that much from our one and only serious talk about the religion.

Lowa said...

Kids are amazing!

Your boys are so smart!

We were speaking of Atheism the other day as well. I don't remember exactly how it went, but one of the younger ones seemed saddened by the idea as well.

Library Mama said...

Jamie - I know. Sometimes this one in particular (of the three) seems wise beyond his years.

Hippo - Hah! I hate those non-beefeater types. (Oops - guess that's not much of a Christian sentiment, is it?)

Mentok - Yes, Dear, you're doing a wonderful job of converting the masses one son at a time. ;-)

Lowa - What a coincidence that your family and mine were talking about the same thing!

Karen - AMEN indeed!
