Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hi-ho, hi-ho.....

Well, I've had my first two days of work - both teacher days - and I spent a lot of today out there as well, preparing for Monday, my first day with students.

I have to admit that this time of year thrills me. Do you remember the feeling you used to get at the beginning of the school year when you opened an empty notebook and wrote your first word on the snowy white page? Imagine that, only a hundred times bigger. That's how I feel after I prepare my classroom and it's waiting to be filled with excited little bodies. Because no matter how cool they try to look, that is exactly what they are on the first day - excited!

This year, in addition to my library responsibilities, I will be Mother Hen to 27 fifth graders. Right now, their desks await them, each topped with a personalized bookmark, a happy face pencil, and a school agenda book. The bulletin boards are bright, happy, and inviting - at least I hope they find them inviting. The room seems to sigh with impatience.

You know, as excited as I am this time of year ( and I know I'm not the only teacher who is), I can't for the life of me figure out why we so often spend our first teacher gathering of the year discussing the challenges we face in our job. This year an edict from "above" ordered our administrators that a substantial portion of our first staff meeting should be devoted to identifying the top ten issues we face as educators. No solutions - just problems.

What a way to stifle motivation!

Too bad those in the higher echelons can't remember that "first day of school" excitement. Or maybe they do remember. Maybe they're jealous they no longer experience it and therefore feel compelled to quash it in others.

Hi-ho, hi-ho, S'pose I shall never know....


Busy Mom said...

I feel the same way about the first day of school and I don't even teach! I love
getting the kids school supplies and seeing them off on the forst day.

I also work on a college campus, so I catch a little bit of the excitement there, too.

Lowa said...

I feel the same way. My classroom is our house and I have far less students than you do, but I LOVE IT! I have all kinds of plans of which curriculum to use for which subject, for which kid. Some of my kids use vastly different curriculums.

It is so fun to figure out with hubby what we will try new this year and order it and watch for it in the mail! This year is very different, since I am sending some of them to public school. But there is still come excitement.

You sound like such a fun teacher, with the things set on their desks! HOW FUN! Sorry the admin squashes things. I have many teacher friends who quit for that very reason, they can't take it anymore. All the joy is gone. Some of them get so fed up, they quit and pull their kids and home school them! Although, that is down here. The education system is SO MUCH BETTER in Canada.

Anonymous said...

I remember that excitement and I can't wait to share it with my girls. Sounds like you have the right attitude! Keep your chin up!

Booklogged said...

I love your classroom - all those windows letting in so much light. I don't have one single window. Haven't had one in any of the 3 rooms I've taught in. There should be a law!

Anonymous said...

I loved this post. It made me`wish I was starting school again this year.

Library Mama said...

Busy Mom - I think I would be excited even if I weren't a teacher too. My boys' excitement is contagious.

Lowa - I hope you and your kids have a great back-to-school too. Who's going to public school this year? Are they nervous? Thanks for calling me a fun teacher? I try to be.

Jamie - You will love it!

Booklogged - I'm sorry - that's not my classroom. It's just a photo I googled. I'm not much of a picture taker, actually, which is why I almost always cheat and use someone else's. My classroom does have one window, though, that looks out over the playground - torture for any students who have to stay in at recess time.

Ella - How nice to see you again! I hope you stop by again soon.
