Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

"The Elephant Man"

Our family caught a little more than half of The Elephant Man on television Friday night. I had never seen it before. I suppose that's not especially surprising, considering it came out when I was in high school and lived out in the boonies, a hundred miles from anything resembling a movie theatre.

It was an awesome film. Main Man was actually heading out to do some errands after supper when the boys and I started watching it, and he stood with his coat and boots on at the door, entranced with the story. I bet he stood like that at least twenty minutes, unable to draw himself away. (Too bad it was on a no-commercial channel.)

What really amazed me about the experience of watching it with the boys, though, was their reaction to the way John Merrick was treated. #2 and #3 were particularly vehement in their contempt of the people who mistreated him.

After watching that famous scene in which Merrick shouts out, " I am not an animal! I am a human being! man!", #3 spontaneously shouted out, "Good for you!" I actually think he had tears in his eyes.

It is extremely gratifying to think that my boys might actually "get it". You know, you work so hard to instill values, and you hope and pray that it might actually be taking hold. Sure is nice when a simple, unexpected time like this shows you that you might actually be on the right track.


Julie Pippert said...

Isn't that amazing!

It makes me wonder whether it is an age, generational, cultural or whathaveyou difference.

Or, if all of the above---since those aren't mutually exclusive.

That's fantastic that you have such caring, those "Maybe I'm getting it right here" moments are fabulous.

I have a feeling your point here will linger in ym head a while. Good post.

Library Mama said...

Thanks for stopping by, Julie, and thanks for the comment.

I know what you mean about the differences, but - you know - I bet there are still people around who would treat Merrick that way. I'm just really glad to know that my kids wouldn't! :-)

Stop by again soon.

Frank Marcopolos said...

u must be a gr8 mom.

Library Mama said...

Awww, thanks, Brooklyn. I try.

Still, sometimes my boys do things that make me wonder if they'll be maniac psychopaths when they grow up.

That's why situations like Friday night give me hope. ;-)

Nice to meet you, by the way. Come again soon.

Library Mama said...

Hah! Just realized, BF, that I should probably be calling you Frank, not Brooklyn. Let me know. :-)

Molecular Turtle said...

That's such a great movie. So inspirational and great for the kids too :)

mkecurler said...

Great blog! I saw this with my mon when it first came out. Made a lasting impression. Hope all is well in the CA!

Library Mama said...

It really was great, Turtle. Better than I expected, really.

And you're right about it being good for the kids. It has an abundance of teachable moments.

Library Mama said...

Hey, Sabatkes! Great to see you. Yes, everything is great here, but we're getting a little tired of snow. March is here, darn it! Doesn't that mean spring?!

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Sounds like they got it, LM! :-)

Library Mama said...

Well, in this case, anyway, Susan.


Dino said...

Good job on the parenting!!!!!

Movie sounds intersting have to add it to my list with netflix

Library Mama said...

Thanks, Katie, but I think it's more luck than anything.

I highly recommend the movie.

Lowa said...

Have not seen this in years. Not sure if I ever watched the entire thing. Should arrive tomorrow from Netflix. Thanks for the reminder!

I am not surprised about your boys, but I know what you mean. We tend to see a lot of the negative (mostly our own influence) but the good shines through sometimes too, eh??

Library Mama said...

Lowa - I know. Those little surprises are great.

Enjoy the movie.
