Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Weekend That Was

This weekend started okay - but something happened along the way to alter the universe.

Friday evening was an ideal evening. The weather had been cold and dreary all day, so I made a beef stew for supper. It was the perfect comfort food, and everyone seemed to enjoy it, so I was pleased. Unfortunately, Main Man got a hold of the hot sauce, so it was ever-so-spicey for my liking, but I could live with it.

Main Man went monitor-shopping after supper. (He found a great one, by the way. All of my blogfriends seem larger than life now!) The boys were amazing! I think everyone was just so happy not to be rushing off to some sort of meeting or activity (including me). #1 sat in his bedroom, playing his guitar and reading. #2 and #3 played a very elaborate game involving action figures, hills and valleys in their comforters, and their imaginations. It was phenomenal that they played in the bedroom they share for over an hour and a half without one temper flare from either of them. I couldn't believe it! I, in turn, got a chance to get a head start on my weekend marking.

Saturday morning started off rather well also. I cleaned the bathroom (fairly) thoroughly before I even got dressed. Then, I cleaned out the fridge (because we were expecting a repairman sometime after 10:30 a.m. to repair a fridge leak). Then, because repairmen never arrive on time, I did come more marking as I waited for him to arrive. The repair didn't take long, and, although it cost us about $150, it's nice not to step in a puddle every morning when we walk into the kitchen.

This next paragraph is when the weekend took a turn for the worse.

#2 was very excited to start his group guitar lessons. His first lesson was to be held just after lunch on Saturday. As we didn't know exactly which room they would be meeting in, we arrived at the conservatory building a bit early. As we walked in, there was a sign informing people which rooms to find their classes in. No sign of #2's class on the list. We found a security guard and asked his help. He was an older man - a dear one at that - and, although he had no idea where to send us, he insisted on helping us find the room. He took us to every studio in the building, up and down many flights of stairs. Finally, twenty minutes after the scheduled start of class, we had to give up. I drove home, a despondent nine-year-old in the back seat. Main Man got on the phone and, after a few hours, got a hold of the teacher. The class had to be cancelled - insufficient registrants - and the teacher thought the conservatory office would inform us. Evidently, the conservatory office thought the teacher would inform us.

Later, Main Man and I went linoleum shopping. The cuts and nicks in the kitchen linoleum we've had since we moved in over ten years ago are finally getting to us. I have such a tough time with a job like this. I hate shopping - for anything. When it comes to something like linoleum, everything looks the same after a couple of hours. And, although he vehemently denies it, it doesn't really matter what I like; Main Man will end up talking me into whatever he chooses anyway, so what's the point of spending my valuable time "browsing"?

Anyway, I just have to tell you a story about our shopping trip. At one point, I felt very thirsty, so I said I would like to stop and buy a bottle of water or a Diet Coke. Main Man said, "What you need is an energy drink." I said, "No, I don't like energy drinks. I would like some water or some Diet Coke." Well, you guessed it - he walked out of the convenience store with a Rock Star Energy Drink. It tasted like medicine. I couldn't get past the fourth sip. His comment? "Awww, come on - you're just determined to mope today, aren't you? Drink it up. You'll thank me later."


Sunday morning didn't fare much better. I was determined not to stress myself out getting ready for church. More often than not, I spend most of Sunday morning barking at my children to hurry up or they'll make me late.

(A little bit of background here: I am a Sunday School teacher. We have a co-ordinator who guides us and usually leads the opening, teaches the kids new songs, makes announcements, things like that. Unfortunately, she has many environmental allergies, and, because of some painting that was done in the church over the summer, she cannot enter the church for several months. Somehow, I have become chief cook and bottle washer on Sunday mornings.

And now - back to our regularly scheduled programming...)

As a result of my efforts, we managed to maintain some sanity in our Sunday morning, but we arrived slightly later than we usually do. Sunday School begins at 10:30; we arrived at about 10:18. I still felt I had time to set up, but I would be a bit rushed. As we started upstairs to the Sunday School rooms, a young mom and her daughter were just coming down. The mom's comment, "Oh, someone's here now." And I felt it was a bit of a snippy tone. I almost lost it - maybe it was just because I had been reining in my temper all morning - but I just about told that lady she could run the Sunday School for a few months. (I know, I know - not a very Christian sentiment.)

Anyway, it feels good just venting.

I will try to be a little more positive in my next entry. To all of you who lasted to the end of this diatribe, I salute you!


Lowa said...

Oh man, you poor thing!

I know what you mean about the woman at chruch and acting like you were so late or something?? What was she doing there so early, if she is not teaching, she doesn't need to have her kids there until the class starts? I can't stand it when people pull that crap.

As far as Main Man, that sounds JUST like something my hubby does. If we shop for anything, he ends up getting what he wants anyway. Our van, for instance. When he bought it five years ago, I knew there was no point in my going to shop for a van, even though I would be the one driving it most of the time. So he took a day off of work and shopped for and finally bought one. It had none of the things I had listed that I really wanted for sure, etc etc. So *I* have driven the van *HE* deemed worthy for the past five years and he gets upset when I get frustrated. HE drives the "Nice" vehilce AND his $10,000 motorcycle! And the drink thing?? Oh yeah! Can I relate?? WHY DO THEY DO THAT!?!? Do they think we don't know what we want or something??

Sorry about the guitar lessons, poor #2! That is SO ANNOYING!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your weekend. And that comment from the woman at church would have ticked me off. I admire you for teaching. Oh, and my husband buys those energy drinks. You're right on Rock's like medicine. UGH!

Bathroom Hippo said...

Tell me again how your universe was altered? I get criticized on a daily basis and I love my life! The secret is simple: Revenge!

Muhahaha. That's too bad about the guitar lessons.

Library Mama said...

Lowa - Thanks. It's good to know I'm not the only one!

Jamie - Thanks for the support re: Rock Star Energy Drink. Yuccch!

Hippo - I'm not exactly sure what altered the universe, but something must have, because the weekend started relatively well, then took a downturn.
