Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Friday, September 29, 2006


We're encountering some transportation problems in our family. Too many activities - not enough rides to get to them. Main Man wondered aloud at supper tonight whether we should teach the older boys, especially #1, how to use the city bus.

I'm ashamed to say that I've never used our city public transit, so I replied, "I'm not sure I know how to use the city bus!"

#3, who has ridden the city bus to numerous daycare fieldtrip destinations, helpfully blurted out, "It's easy, Mommy. You just get on and sit down!"


Anonymous said...

Hee hee. Kinda like the toilet!


Bathroom Hippo said...

Probably has as much germs as the toilet too! Seriously...public transportation may save a buck here or there...but it's not very healthy. And the bus drivers don't shower properly!

Anonymous said...

Here are a few extra tips for him.
If you talk loudy to yourself no one will try to sit beside you.
All the cool kids sit right at the back of the bus. So sit there.
Bus's stink.So don't breathe while you ride on them. Also bathing is certainly optional.
Wear a headset in case someone tries to strike up a conversation. It doesn't have to be plugged into anything.
Ring the bell between every stop. It makes the bus driver really angry but the other riders find it amusing..

Booklogged said...

Kids say the darnest things! Very cute!

Mentok said...

You left out the bit after, which was extra cute. #3 went on to explain to Library Mama the bus route system:

"You just look at the top of the bus. It's got numbers and words that say where it's going. So, you just get on the one that goes where you want to go. It's easy, mom!"

I told LM to listen close, because 6yr-old #3 knew what he was talking about. ;-)

Library Mama said...

Barbara - Haha! I can't believe none of our boys thought of that!

Oh, Hippo, you're such a cynic!

Happy - I especially like the headset rule. I've heard it before, and thought I might it if and when I rode the bus. :-)

Booklogged - Yes, we often think we could have written a book of all the "darndest things" our #3 comes up with!

Mentok - Yes, he seemed to have quite a handle on how everything worked. We'll have to keep an eye on him if he ever gets a hankerin' to run away.

Lowa said...

This was PRECIOUS! Sounds just like some of mine. Us silly adults, always just complicate things, don't we?? Why can't we just DO something instead of making everything so hard, I am sure they are wondering:) LOL

How was the Stones concert??!?

Library Mama said...

Lowa - Sometimes I think you and I have the same kids. They do so many of the same types of things. :-)

Still on the countdown to the Stones - four days left!

I will definitely let you know what it was like sometime over the weekend.

Lowa said...

OOOOOOHHHHH! I thought it was THIS PAST Friday! Oppsss. Ok, cool. I can't wait!

Yes, our kids are similar. Maybe it is the Canadian in them?? Brain has to write some thing for some class about what it means to be an American. He does not consider himself American. He plans to move to Alta or Sask as soon as he can, change his last name to my maiden name, and never come to this country again. So he is NOT the one to ask that! LOL He is struggling with it a little bit. I find it amusing, he is SO Canadian. Wishes he was born up there, etc etc. Anyway, I digress. Just sayin'!
