Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Butt You'll Love This One

#1 and #2 and I were working on homework at the kitchen table last night, when all of a sudden, we heard a terrible crash.

I'm not sure what #3 was trying to reach, but he had fallen on his back while climbing up the coats in our closet.

He had had the wind knocked out of him, and he couldn't really move yet. Slowly, though, he regained his breath and his motion, so I knew he wasn't hurt too badly.

I carried him to the couch, turned him over, and investigated his back. Turns out, he had landed on his tailbone.

I sent #2 for some ice, and when he returned, he had a can of frozen orange juice in his hand. It was the first thing he could grab from the freezer.

Being a flexible woman (What mom isn't?), I placed the can gingerly on the red mark at the base of #3's spine.

At this point, the older boys began to cheer #3 up with jokes about his situation. #1 commented on what a Hallmark moment it was - all of us sitting around comforting #3 while his bare butt pointed up in the middle of us all.

Still, #1 had to admit that his little brother was a tough one. It was obvious that he was in pain, and he still hadn't shed a tear.

Half sincerely, half for a laugh, #1 leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on #3's tailbone.

#2, never short of a witty remark, quipped, "Does it taste like orange juice?"


Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Hi LM,
Of course, you could send this as a lighthearted clip to any family magazine that receives contributions and I have no doubt it would be published.
What adventures #3 seems to be having at the moment. First school and now this.
And also what super brothers he has. But there's the weekend at least, to recuperate.


Mentok said...

susan, it actually turns out to be tougher to get into those family features than it looks. We've got a raft of killer #3 stories and I'm a professional writer, so I know how to do 'em up, yet numerous submissions have gone unanswered.

OK, not numerous. Three maybe. ;-) Yet the notion of that $200 Readers Digest cheque taunts me like a vengeful ghost.

Lowa said...

This was AWESOME! This was FUNNY! Your boys sound SO MUCH like mine!

Those are scary. When Jock was a wee bit younger than #3, he fell off his desk in our "school-room" onto the floor. Landed on his back. Since I did not see the fall (was trying to lay down, pregnant with Princess and needed a nap) I had no idea how bad it was and did not want to move him. Brain came running to get me and Jock could not really move. So I called 911! LOL They put him on a back brace thing and everything. What a day that was! He is still, to this day (more than 6 years later) mad that the firemen cut his t-shirt off. It was a brand new one Granny had sent from Canada.

Mentok, you are a writer?? I did not realise, I never get a chance to read your blog. My brother is also a writer and his latest work is coming out soon. Search for "All This Town Remembers" on Amazon if you so desire. Or Google "Sean Johnston".

Bathroom Hippo said...


Mentok said...

Actually these days I'm more of a magazine editor than a writer.

You may have heard of my magazine. It's called Gent "Home of the D Cup".

Ha, ha. Just kidding. No, I just do trade and professional magazines, and the only writing I really do is magazine features and such.

I've never really tried fiction (well, except for the little comedy blog bits) so I admire and envy your brother for getting published.

Bathroom Hippo said...

Now that's a magazine I can subscribe to! Oh you were kidding? Dang...

Now my day is ruined.

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Hi Mentok,
Wonderful that you're a writer. The whole world stays open to you. Don't give up!

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! I've used a can of soda for a fever and a bag of peas for a head bump but I'll have to remember the can of juice. Hope his tailbone is feeling OK!

Library Mama said...

Susan - Thank you. Yes, I feel as if I could write a book about the adventures of #3. Have you ever read the "Calvin and Hobbes" books? I feel as if they were written about #3.

Mentok - Susan is probably right. We should get a few more stories together to get sent off.

Lowa - Yes, we were scared at first about #3's back, but he began to move everything once he got his wind back.
BTW, I did google your brother. You must be really proud!

Hippo - Sorry - did I put you off orange juice for a while? ;-)

Jamie - Good to have you back. Hope you had a wonderful vacation. I will stop by later today to check out how it was. Yes, his tailbone is fine now. It was actually back to normal the day after. Guess that OJ worked its wonders! :-)

BarbaraMG said...

LOL! Kids say the funniest things. :)

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Hi LM,
Yes, I have read Calvin & Hobbes. The comics are funny. Now I get a picture of #3. And what, the hairstyle too?

Library Mama said...

Karen - Hah! Very witty! :-)

Barbara - Yes, our boys certainly keep us entertained.

Susan - Actually, #3 got a haircut yesterday, but before that he did look a little like Calvin! :-)

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Hi once more LM,
In that case, I declare #3 a cool kid and something of a cutie-pie!
