Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

And the Madness of Adolescence Begins

#1 got a phone call from a girl on Sunday.

No, I'm not talking a girl from his class, wondering about a homework assignment.

This was a real live girl whom he had met at camp. She called long distance to speak to him about nothing in particular.

It was the call I longed to make when I was that age, but my father would never let me phone boys. "It just wasn't proper."

I hate to think of how much courage it must have taken her to punch his number onto the phone keypad. And the sad thing is, when she phoned, no one answered. I was in the middle of fixing Sunday dinner, and the call-display on the phone indicated a number I didn't know, so I let the answering service pick it up.

#1 was out at a movie anyway, so maybe it was easier for her to talk to a recording than the mother.

When I picked him up after the movie and gave him the news, he got a bit of a silly grin on his face.

He put off returning the call, though. I finally made him call back a little after 8:00. I think his nerves were beyond a-twitter. Still, I told him, it was only good manners to return the call.

They talked for over 20 minutes. I finally shut it down.

He looked relieved to have survived it.

I'm relieved I survived it too.


Lowa said...


This is BIG. This is cute:)

Yes, no kidding. I am sure I never would have gotten up the nerve to call a guy. I am sure my parents would not have allowed it either. When I was calling guys when I was 17 or 18, I was a nervous wreck. YIPES! Times sure are changing!

Let me know HOW you survive it, ok?? Jock is asking about calling girls and at 11...I dunno.

Mentok said...

I think it's very useful for girls to go through the experience of taking the initiative to call so that they develop some sympathy for what the boys go through.

Cheesy pick-up lines, feigned macho indifference...the whole kit and kaboodle of male dating faults spring directly from overwhelming fear of rejection. You chicks don't know the half of it.

Having a girl call him will have a life-altering positive effect on #1's personal confidence.

What a happier place the world would be if more women made the first call!

Bathroom Hippo said...

Hahaha. Takes me back!

My first phone call to a girl lasted for 2 hours! My Dad was not pleased with the phone bill for that month. Over $300!

This is the best time in his life...let him have fun!

Maisha said...

nice blog booksnook...:)

about calling boys,i hate i never called i have always been a loner so they kept from me too.but right now i have to fight them like flies and struggle to keep the one i really want.sigh.
