Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

All Growed-Up

We had internet problems this morning, so I haven't had time to respond to yesterday's comments (I will soon) or to visit any one else's blog.

This entry was just too important to leave for another time though.

Yesterday was #3's first day of kindergarten!

Unfortunately, I was unable to leave work, but Main Man was able to walk him to school and get him settled. Not that there was much settling to do.

Chronologically, #3 was eligible to start kindergarten last year. His birthday is in late October, though, and he was born 6 weeks premature, so he had been trying to catch up from the beginning.

We made the decision to wait a year.

My mother-in-law thought we were insane, and would say (in front of #3), "Oh but he's so smart! How can you say that he's not smart enough for school yet? Well, Grandma thinks you're a very clever boy."


I would smile what I call my "primary smile" (for dealing with naughty primary students), and calmly reply, "Well, being a teacher, I do have some experience with this situation."

And do I ever! When I taught Grade 3, the poor little ones with late birthdays would often struggle behind their classmates, while those whose parents made the decision we did in #3's case would sail through almost effortlessly.

Well, he is definitely ready now - and willing - and able.

I guess the question now is - Is his mom ready?


Lowa said...

Princess is at her kindergarten also! I love that our kids are so close in age!!! She only goes for an hour today, with half the class. And then she will go for the normal time starting tomorrow.

I know how you feel. She will be 6 in mid October and she was NOT ready last year anyway. At least academically, Socially, she has been ready since she was two! LOL

Even this year, she can hardly recognise letters and numbers, etc. I never work with her at all and she has no interest. She surprised me at her assessment and knew much more than I realised. But still, considering two of her brothers had been reading anything you put in front of them for two years at least by the time they were her age, it is strange for us. Just different, but we encourage the differences and love to see how varied they all are!

Our second one turned 5 in June and we sent him that fall. I was pregnant with Princess and thought if he and Brain were in school, I could focus more on the baby and Clown. NOT! Also, he was NOT ready and it took me two years of homeschooling him to undo the mental anguish he had put himself through because he didn't know what he thought he should and he struggled.

Anyway, longer than I meant, sorry. Thanks for sharing about #3's first day! Let us know what he thought! I am going to get Princess right now and will post photos on my blog. Brain and Jock are at the middle school for their first full day. Brain was SO NERVOUS:(

Clown is working hard. Playing his video games! LOL

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Dear LM,

How sensitive and caring you sound towards these little apprehensive 3-year olds...
I bet as a mum, you're more ready now then you'll ever be, so not to fret.

What an enjoyable read today and definitely worth battling the internet for.


Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Hi again LM,

Made a boo-boo! Made a mistake with the age group, having got confused with the number 3.

red-faced me!

Booklogged said...

I am in total agreement about waiting an extra year. It's too bad that Grandma had to say things in front of your son to undermine you and your husband's decision. I understand your feelings about watching the youngest take such big steps in life.

Library Mama said...

Lowa - I can't believe how alike your Princess and my #3 are! He was not at all interested in letters and numbers. He's showing a bit of interest now, but I get the feeling it's because some of the kids at school know them and he hates to be behind anyone. I think being the third has fostered a competitive streak in him a mile wide.

Susan - Never any need to be red-faced around here. I love each and every comment you make, and I knew exactly what you were saying. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

Karen - Hah! I love the "smile and nod". I've become expert at it with my MIL. How are things over your way? I hope to be over to visit your blog later today. Any new baby pics?

Booklogged - I don't think I've ever met a teacher who would disagree with our decision. Doesn't that tell people something?! :-)
