Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

All that Jazz

Many thoughts in my head this morning. This will have to be a bit of a "stream of consciousness" entry. The thoughts are fighting to be first to burst through from my brain to the keyboard.

Last night was "Open House" at the school where I teach. Although on one hand, the idea seems all fuzzy and warm, on another hand, it's all quite bizarre. I spent most of the day yesterday hanging things up on the wall to impress our "company". Heck, after school, I was on one of the highest ladders our caretaker owns, just to hang art projects on the highest part of the wall because all the other wall space was already occupied. I don't even teach art! Maybe it's just the school where I teach, but there is tremendous pressure to have lots of "stuff" to show at Open House. And if you don't have a lot, you mustn't be worth your salt in the teaching department.

Anyway, it all went well. The parents seemed pleased. I had the computer on, so parents could view our classroom blog. I know some parents already visit it regularly, but some of them had never taken the time to visit, and I think some of them were impressed. I use it mostly for teacher/parent communication at this point. After school each day I write up homework, school announcements, that sort of thing. Eventually, I would like to use it to display some of the kids' work.

Our monitor here at home is slowly dieing. When it first became ill, everything had this pretty lavender tinge. Now everything is a dull orangey-gray. Guess we'll have to go monitor shopping on the weekend.

The night before last was #2's first Cub meeting of the season, and #3's first Beaver meeting in his life. Some confusion occurred, because our own troop, who used to meet across the street at our elementary school, has disbanded, so we had to drive to a new location and our boys only knew one or two of the boys in the new troop. So, we arrive, and the first meeting is basically to deliver flyers to residents informing them of the bottle drive, to be held tomorrow. Yup, the first two meetings our boys attend, they don't get a chance to meet and get to know their troopmates; instead, they get to deliver flyers and collect bottles. I completely understand the need to do the bottle drive. I just wish they could have waited a week or two to let the new kids get to know other kids first. I mean, some of the little Beavers are as young as 4; how 'bout a little fun before the work?

In the middle of typing that last paragraph, I realized that it's Thursday. Oops - I'll have to take a few minutes later in the day to do a Thankful Thursday post.

Well, there are more thoughts fighting to get out, but I should start to get ready for work. Hope everyone out there is well and happy.


Lowa said...

WOW you have been busy, eh???

COOL! Monitor shopping! Good times!

You are SO MUCH like me. I guess most women are this way, aren't we?? Many thoughts! It's enough to drive a person...I dunno where. But nowhere good!

Anonymous said...

Wow...I am impressed that you do a classroom blog. That is a great idea! Glad the open house went well after all your hard work. And good luck with finding a new monitor this weekend!

Library Mama said...

Lowa - I know. It's starting to drive me nuts. I have to start writing more things down - lists and such. That way, my old brain doesn't have to feel that it has to retain all of it.

Karen - I can think of a few advantages of not having to "fancy up" your classroom for open house. Still, though, I'm glad we don't deal with kids' grades, etc... It's a strictly casual "Meet the Teacher" night. Parent-Teacher conferences are in early December. Do your students sit in on their conferences? Ours do now. Pros and cons to that, too.

Jamie - Yeah, I got the idea of a classroom blog last spring and implemented it at the beginning of this school year. I'm still at the point of trying to decide if it's worth it. Some parents love it, but lots of them don't visit at all. It takes from 20 minutes to half an hour each day after school, which is a fair bit of time. So far, so good, but I haven't hit my busy season yet. We'll see how it goes then.
