Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Good Morning

I hate mornings.

I hate waking up naturally about 20 minutes before the alarm is due to ring. I hate wondering if I should go back to sleep or if I should get up. I hate that I usually go back to sleep. I hate that, 20 minutes later when my alarm goes off, I wish I had gotten up when I had awoken earlier.

I hate the sound my alarm makes as it jolts me awake. I hate the way the snooze button feels as I push it down. I hate the fact that my snooze alarm works.

I hate that it is beginning to be darker and darker outside when my alarm goes off.

I hate that foggy feeling I have for the first half hour of every day.

I hate that I used to love mornings. I hate that, as a teenager, I was often showered and dressed before my parents were out of bed. I hate that I'm not still like that.

I hate that, for my own sanity, I must be up and showered, dressed, and breakfasted before anyone else in my family arises. I hate that I get no time to myself otherwise.

I hate that #1 now has volleyball practice at 7:30 every morning. I hate that I love to sit down with him and share stories over breakfast. I hate that it cuts into my blogging time.

I hate that, because of our varying schedules and the fact that I have a longer commute, Main Man is often still in his bathrobe when I leave for work.

I hate that our dog cries when I leave for work. I hate that no one else cries when I leave for work ( anymore). I hate that I think like that.

I hate mornings.

Oh - right - good morning.

Update: Actually, #3 woke up in a terrible mood just as I was leaving after I wrote this. He did cry when I left for work. I won't wish for that again.


Mentok said...

At least you have some degree of discipline in the morning. As you know, I couldn't wake up early regularly in the morning if my life depended on it.

You already know this anecdote, but your readers will enjoy it: in college, I was such a sleepy head that I had to set up a series of 6 radio alarms (all set at full-blast volume) scattered throughout the apartment and set to go off at 2 minute intervals. Otherwise, I had no hope of getting to class on time.

Bathroom Hippo said...

Did Mentok hack your e-mail or something?! =P Kidding.

Hateful Wednesdays. New theme here at the Books nook?

Lowa said...

I hear you!

I go through phases where I LOVE to get up in the morning. Mainly because, like you, it is my only "alone time" and usually gets my day off to a better start. Especially when I go run, like I have been trying to do lately. The fresh air wakes me up and the exercise and...I dunno...just the whole feel of it reminds me of my youth. I was a sprinter in high school and I had forgotten how much I love to run. It is working too, I don't get as winded as I used to and am slowly losing weight. Now if my old legs just didn't hurt so bad!

Tip-I never use the snooze button. My alarm is across the room so I need to get up to shut it off.

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

I like my mornings, LM. It's when I write and especially when fun things await.

Library Mama said...

Mentok - I was always the morning one in our bunch. I don't want that to stop - but it slowly seems to be deteriorating.

Hippo - No, not a new theme. Just a day I needed to let some frustrations out, and this seemed a harmless way to do it.

Karen - I shouldn't be complaining. At least I don't have a tiny one waking me through the night!

Lowa - Good for you, running in the mornings! Main Man has started doing a little running in the mornings now too.

I just started using the snooze alarm in the last few weeks. I loathed it before that. Now, though, there are mornings when I simply cannot get up the first time.

Susan - I used to love my mornings, but sadly, that seems to be evolving.
