Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for...

... life.

One of my colleagues was home sick this week for three days. The woman filling in for her was a mom from our school community (I've taught both of her kids.) who is now a retired teacher.

We had the chance to renew our acquaintance this week. We chatted over lunch and I helped her with questions she had on our school routines. She filled me in on what her kids are doing now; they're in their late teens, early twenties. She told me excitedly about her upcoming trip to Puerto Vallerta. She had recently celebrated her sixtieth birthday.

This morning, on her way to substitute at a different school, her car was struck on the driver side full force at an uncontrolled rural intersection by a car driven by a seventeen-year-old boy. She is fighting for her life as the doctors struggle to control her internal bleeding. I think the boy and his mother, also in his car, are doing well.

Evidently, the first vehicle on the scene after the accident was a school bus full of students. The scene was horrific. Counsellors were called to the school to help the kids deal with the trauma.

All I can think of is the look in her eye as she told me about how much she loved Mexico.

Just a lesson, I suppose, in making each and every day count.


Suzan Abrams, email: said...

I'm crying a little, LM.

..................... said...

man, i'm sending all my good wishes her way. tommorow i'm taking my son to finally get his learning permit for driving. i still feel they drive way to young in our respective countries. in germany you learned to drive and got your license at 18.
you just never know and that's whats scary. i drive rural roads all the time to and from work.

Anonymous said...

oh my. I am crying too. I will pray. You just never know, do you.

Please keep us updated, LM. I hope this works and I can post it. This is Lowa, in case I need to do anonymously

Anonymous said...

We don't know when it will be our time.
Hope your friend recovers from the accident..

Dino said...

oh my god I am so sorry. I hope she wins her struggle and get to go on vacation soon.

on a side note looks like you got 2 german readers now :)

Big Pissy said...

Oh NO!

I sincerely hope that your friend will be o.k.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am freaking out! How is your friend now??

Oh yeah, this is Lowa.

Library Mama said...

Thank you, all of you, for your supportive comments.

I'm afraid the news is not good. My friend passed away this afternoon, surrounded by her loved ones.

I comfort myself with the thought that, had she survived, her quality of life would have been severely compromised due to the degree and quality of her injuries.

Don't let tomorrow go by without telling someone that you love them, you guys. It may be your last chance.

I'm sorry if that sounds morbid...

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Oh my God, LM!
But I am so sad and sorry for her life and how it had to go, just like that.

Library Mama said...

Susan - I know. I also feel for the seventeen-year-old boy. Whether it was his fault or not, the incident will haunt him forever, I'm sure.

Grumps said...

My condolences, LM. Life is so very, very fragile. The family won't count this as a blessing but I know from experience that it's good they were able to gather and be with her until the end.

Library Mama said...

Grumps - That's right, you know from experience how fragile life is. I had forgotten.

BlondeMom - It is awful. Thanks for your words.
