Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Monday, February 26, 2007

A Glimpse into the Empty Nest

Main Man and I had the house to ourselves for five hours on Saturday evening. It felt like an out-of-body experience, almost as surreal as our Saturday evening out two weeks ago.

#1 was out babysitting for friends of ours.

#2 was on a weekend ski trip with his Cub Scout troop.

#3 was on his first sleepover.

I know what you're wondering - probably exactly what a girlfriend of mine asked last evening when I was relating this story to her - if we had the house to ourselves for five hours, what did we do for the other four hours and 45 minutes? ;-)

Anyway, as I'm sure you'll consider going down that particular road to be just ever-so-slightly TMI, I will turn the corner...

Main Man and I cannot complain in the least about our social life. Now that #1 can so capably babysit, we get out once every week or two - more than we have in years. Still, being alone together in the house is extremely rare - so rare that I can't remember the last time it happened.

Unfortunately, this rarity fell at a time when it was difficult to take full advantage. Our family was in the middle of preparations for probably our biggest night of the year - the Academy Awards.

Every year since we've been married, Main Man and I have hosted an Oscar party. We pride ourselves on certain traditions peculiar to this particular gathering. Every guest goes home with at least one doorprize. When an acceptance speech goes on too long or someone undeserving wins a statuette or a production number is just too bizarre (Remember Rob Lowe and Snow White?), guests delight in throwing marshmallows at the television. Every guest fills out a ballot indicating who will win each category - yes, every category, right down to best documentary short and best sound mixing - and throws two bucks in the pot. Whoever gets the most picks correct wins the pot. For second and third prizes, we provide donated restaurant gift certificates. We just don't consider it a successful party unless at least five or six guests are sitting on the floor. We simply don't have seating for everyone. And food! Well, basically, I don't sit down at all, as I'm kept busy keeping the kitchen smoking (so to speak) as the snacks and appetizers make their way guest-ward.

Anyway - I digress. Back to our evening alone together...

As I was saying, Main Man and I were busily cleaning house for our big night. I often say - if it weren't for the Oscars, my house would never be thoroughly cleaned!

We did take some time for ourselves, though. We ordered in from our favourite East Indian place and enjoyed a delicious meal of Samosas, Channa Masala, Butter Chicken, Basmati Rice, Naan, and Raita with a fine red wine. Our boys aren't big on East Indian, so it seemed like the perfect thing to do with them gone.

Still, as wonderful as our romantic meal was, it didn't take long for my heart to feel the stabs of hunger pangs. I really started to miss the boys. Finally, about 9:00, I gave in and phoned #1 to see how his babysitting job was going. He was doing just fine; he had tucked in the little girl he was looking after and had settled down to watch some tv. Main Man wouldn't let me call to see how #3 was making out at his sleepover. As it was his first, Main Man was worried I would make him homesick. But I missed him! Maybe I wanted him to be homesick!

Oh, not really... I know that isn't healthy.

Still, I've never really considered before then just how empty that empty nest can be.


mist1 said...

Mom calling a sleepover is only the worst thing ever.

Library Mama said...

I know, I know. Still - he is only six!

But I know, I know...

Dino said...

an oscar party how cool

I love indian food there is this really yummy restaurant not far from our house and I try to go there at least once a month for their lunch buffet.

Bathroom Hippo said...

Al Gore totally ruined the show.

And...everyone else pretty much.

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Ooh...your little cutie-pie had his first sleepover. :-)
I was very taken up by the Oscar parties you mentioned. Thank you for taking time out to explain this to me on my blog, LM. Much appreciated.

And there I was when you said you had the house to yourself, happily racing down that very road... did I really have to turn the corner? ;-)

Library Mama said...

Katie - The party is really a hoot - very silly and boisterous - but an awful lot of work.

Hippo - I thought of you when Al Gore won his Oscar. Considering your comment on Main Man's blog, I was thankful I didn't live near you.

Susan - Yes, dropping #3 off was really hard!

And you are so naughty! I'm afraid that type of writing is more your domain than mine. I shall leave it up to the experts, like you.

Grumps said...

One of the most boring Oscars ever. Ellen was okay -- better than Whoopi but not even close to Billy Crystal. Next year's host - any one or all of those three (Will Ferrel, Jack C. Reilly (sp?), Jack Black) who did the song about comedians never winning.

And then Eddie Murphy loses what should have been a shoo-in. Hilarious.

Other than that, the presenters were boring and the songs made me want to see the movies even less.

They even wrecked Morricone's big moment by having that cartoon character Celine Dion come out and show us how to stretch her facial muscles. She's looking more and more like Andre Gagnon everyday.

Library Mama said...

Grumps - I must admit: I didn't get to watch much of the show. I was way too busy hostessing. Still, I love Ellen, and I did think she was good. On the parts I saw, I thought she came close to Billy Crystal. Her Clint Eastwood - Steven Spielberg photo-shoot was reminiscent of Crystal's comeback after the sound was faulty when the silent filmstar was speaking. Remember that?

I disagree about Will Ferrell - John C. Reilly - Jack Black. I couldn't take an entire evening of any one of them or combination thereof. Only in small doses, I say.

I knew you would be peeved about Celine Dion. That poor woman looks like singing is torture for her.

Grumps said...

Between Dion and Peter O'Toole, who looked like he must have bought a pre-embalming package, they took the glamour right out of Hollywood.

Did you also notice how old the academy is - there were tons of shots that were supposed to be people laughing (i.e Eastwood) and instead we saw their much younger companions repeating the joke that they obviously hadn't heard.

Library Mama said...

Grumps - Hah! I hadn't noticed about the missed jokes, but now that you mention it, yes, I could see that happening.

And you're right about Peter O'Toole. I have no idea what his performance was like, but I do wish he had won the Oscar because with the way he's looking, it's the last role left in him.

Lowa said...

Ok, here I am finally! Been busy here.

I didn't catch much of the Oscars. I always forget about them. I saw a bit of Ellen and always get a kick out of her.

As far as the empty nest...can I ever relate:( I dread that, yet look forward to it in ways.

I don't think it would be bad calling to check on a six year old at a sleep over. Princess went on one last weekend and it was hard to leave her there. Mainly because it was a full on slumber party and there were a lot of girls she didn't know. When I left, she was sitting on the couch visiting with the adults who were still there, looking kind of sad and lonely. So that was hard and I was anxious to get her the next morning! I knew if I called her, she would be REALLY sad. I knew if she was homesick, she would ask to call. Not like Clown, if he would even GO to something like that, he would sufferin silence and not let anyone know how he felt. You know, typical male:)

Library Mama said...

Hi Lowa, I've been worried about you. Glad to see you back.

Library Mama said...

BlondeMom - Well, we hope people have fun at our Oscarvaganza. We sure have fun!

It seems far off doesn't it - the whole babysitting thing. Actually, the time goes very fast.

And I know what you mean about the idea sounding nice. I thought I'd like it too, but things happened to me that I wasn't expecting!
