Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Teachers' Convention

Today was the first day of our two-day convention. I know that the event takes hours and hours of work for the organizers, and I do appreciate their efforts, but I still wonder what the point is.

The day consisted of greetings from various important people, a miserable motivational speaker who shrieked at us about living our dreams and remaining positive, a business meeting in which the powers that be really did try to make the discussion pertinent to the four hundred or so attendees, and then one more motivational speaker who actually wasn't bad.

By the end of the day I was numb. I missed my students desperately.


Dino said...

sounds like a bore hope you don't have to do it to often. My regional meeting for the au pair job is coming up and those are usually much like what you discribed and I am dreading it already

Anonymous said...

Maybe next time you could invite your students to go with you.
They might as well become dissolutioned about their futures now as opposed to later..

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

It's a light-hearted case of actions speaking louder than words then, LM?

Anonymous said...

oh you are indeed a good valentine for persisting to check my blog page, which I STILL have not updated, b/c I STILL cannot open the application b/c I STILL haven't cleared enough space off my hard drive.... ugh! I get nostalgic seeing my blog name on your blog roll.... it would be OK... (sniff...!) if you took it off.... I'd understand.... who knows if I"ll ever have time again.... cuts into my sleep time, and gosh do I wish I could fold laundry and blog at the same time...
(sigh!) miss you and all the other mommybloggers!

..................... said...

pfft..we get to go to those too..
most of them are quite boring and just where do they find those speakers?

Lowa said...

Of course you did.

Who wants to hang around with a bunch of stuffy, petty, immature and boring adults when you can hang around with kids??

Hope you are back with your students now:)

Grumps said...

My current job sees me usually only have to go to one meeting per week and it lasts for 10 minutes. Anything more than that would be painful.

Thank goodness I have no seminars, conferences, caucus meetings, or conventions to attend. The only way I'd be interested is if the company paid and they were somewhere tropical.

Brainstorming? That's my word for a 30-minute nap.

My current dream, though, is for techies to perfect speech-to-text translation. Nothing is more boring than having to listen to and transcribe an interview that was already dull. Ideally, I'd like to be able to record an interview digitally, bring my recorded back to computer, plug in a cable and have that audio file instantly translated into a word doc.

Steve-Bill: are you listening?

Library Mama said...

Katy - Luckily we only have to do it once a year. Good luck with your au pair meeting.

Happy - I couldn't possibly invite my students along. They would never believe I hang out with such bores.

Susan - You've hit the nail on the head.

Karen - How great to hear from you again! And no, I will not remove you from my roll, because I have faith that one day you will feel up to joining the ranks of us mommybloggers once again. Hope your boys are doing well.

Schaumi - Aren't they brutal? I actually remember when I was an enthusiastic new teacher and I enjoyed those speakers. Ahhh, those were the days.

Lowa - Actually, I'm not back with my students yet, because I get a bit of a break now. I'm off until next Tuesday.

Grumps - You've come to the right place. I have it on good authority that Steve and Bill read my little blog fairly regularly. ;-)
