Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thoughtful Thursday

I know it's Thursday.

I know I should be thankful.

I know it would be good for me right now to analyze all of the good things in my life.

But I just can't. It would take too much mental energy at the moment.

I'm exhausted.

School is busy, as always.

Busier than usual, actually ... because not only am I preparing my debate team for a tournament this Friday, but I am preparing the tournament.

Our school is hosting the tournament, and there is a lot to think about.

And I'm tired of Halloween. And I'm tired of the days (especially the school days) after Halloween. I'm tired of the candy wrappers and the hyperactivity and the tempting candy calling to me from my own cupboard at home.

Oh - and I'm tired of being told by my husband that after 18 years of teaching, I should have better coping skills than I do.

So, I'm sorry to my readers who look forward to Thankful Thursday. I'm afraid you're getting the opposite this morning. Hopefully my coping skills will kick in before next Thursday.


Bathroom Hippo said...

I'm only thankful for a few things this week:

I got an A- on my Accounting test, and an A- on my Management test. Other than that...this week has been hell. But I go home today to I guess I'm thankful for that....but I have to write 6 pages over the weekend, and do a flash episode. Braaah.

Life sucks, eh Mrs. M? As for that smart-ass remark by Mentok you should slap him in the face! Maybe it will get him off of that "music is the greatest of all gods/buddha's gifts" kick and get him on the "my wife is the best thing that ever happened to me" train. Yah...I hope he doesn't read

Cheer up Mrs M! I think you're great!

Lowa said...

Yeah, what Hippo said. Except for the tests, cause I don't take tests:)

I hope things improve. Take yourself to another movie with a friend. When you get a chance to breathe, that is...



Booklogged said...

It's okay to release some steam once in awhile and right now sounds like a good time. I surprised you have ANY coping skills after 18 years of teaching!

Hope all goes well at the tournament and that your team does a great job!

Library Mama said...

Hippo - Great job on your tests! And thanks.

Lowa - I'm sure things will improve. Once this tournament is over, I should be able to breathe.

Booklogged - Thanks for the words of encouragement. My team is young - most of them in Grade 5, so holding their hands through the preparations is fairly arduous. Still, I have to admire their courage.

Anonymous said...

Hope things ease up for you soon.
I'm thankful for finding your blog. You rock..

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Hi LM,
You really do have my admiration. I marvelled at all your energy recently, that stretched right up to Halloween.
Bet you're looking forward to a really quiet weekend??
But you're a thankful kind of person, to start with LM, Always appreciative of your blessings. It just sort of goes without saying.
lots of love & keep well.

Mentok said...

Uh, it wasn't me that said was her other husband. We live in a matriarchal polygamist commune. She actually has six husbands. But I promise to punish the offender for you. Why when I get my hands on that guy ... grrr! ;-)

Grumps said...

Mama - you should sell some of Mentok's comics or collectibles and see how he copes with that.

Good on you for coaching debate esp. Gr. 5. BTW, our team placed 1st at their tournament last week.

As for Halloween, I feel the same way about most holidays esp. when they become so ritualized. Do things really have to be done the same way year after year?

Library Mama said...

Happy - Things have now eased up. Thanks for your kind words. You are welcome in the nook anytime. :-)

Susan - You are always so positive and encouraging. Thank you. I try to have an "attitude of gratitude". I find it makes life more fun.

Mentok - Good Lord, man! Why would I want six husbands? Why would any woman want six husbands? There are times (thankfully, few and far between) when I don't even want one!

Grumps - To be honest, I was considering burning those aforementioned comics and collectibles earlier this week. ;-)

Thankfully, I didn't, as we seem to have patched up our differences now.

Please congratulate Grumps, Jr. on his debate win. Perhaps I will see him here in our fair city for Provincials this year.
