Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thankful Thursday

It's Thursday once again, and I'm feeling particularly thankful today.

This week, I am thankful...

...for teacher work days. Today is a professional development day, but, unlike many where we have to go to "some other place" to listen to "some expert" who has no clue what our day to day job entails, today is a work day - a catch-up day, which means that I just may have the opportunity to spend my Saturday with my own children this weekend instead of in my empty classroom. (How's that for a lengthy sentence?)

...for staff get-togethers. Last night a bunch of us and many of our significant others met at a favourite watering hole and let loose. (Okay - I know - "let loose" in the vernacular of elementary school teachers is slightly different from that of most others, but we still had fun.)

...for Christmas Concerts. Plans are brewing for my concert at work and for #2's and #3's concert at school. I know lots of teachers loathe them, and I can understand why, so I keep my own excitement under my hat.

...for four-day weekends. This weekend both my boys and I have Friday and Monday off.

...for phenomenal colleagues, who are always willing to supply help, support, a listening ear, an open mind, and a soft shoulder.

...for blue raspberry Children's Advil - the only OTC medicine #2 will take without a fuss. He's had a sore throat this week, and, although he's had some antibiotics, he has still needed painkiller to get him through the day a few times.

Well, I am now in my classroom, enjoying my "work day", so I guess I better start working.

Have a great week, everybody!


Andrea said...

I love work days where we don't have to go somewhere else! We only get one of those a year here in Columbus, Ohio. And - I know some teachers who party like the big dogs despite their innocent job titles!

Bathroom Hippo said...

Tuff week for me. My party just got its ass kicked in the elections, I'm runnin' on no sleep, and most of my friends are socialists.

But I am thankful for you Mrs. M. You're always very nice to me =) And you take my side when Mentok doesn't. Probably cuz you're better than him! Hahaha...okay I gotta take a nap. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Yea for four-day weekends!

Have you tried any of the medicine "strips?" Why didn't they have those when I was a kid and would gag on cough syrup!

Library Mama said...

Andrea - Thanks so much for stopping by. It's great to meet you. And you're right about teachers and partying; we can hold our own!

Karen - Yup - I feel like I'm a whole different species this week.

Hippo - I'm sorry you've had a rough week. I guess your restful weekend didn't prepare you for this week. I'm sorry about the election results, too. On a selfish note, I wonder what your country's election results mean for my country. And some of my best friends are socialists too; that doesn't have to be such a bad thing. I'm thankful for you too, Hippo, because you're always nice to me. But I'm no better than Mentok. He's a good guy. Honestly. Try to get some sleep, Hip.

Jamie - Yes, I am rejoicing for this weekend! I haven't tried those strips. #2 might like them. I have tried "meltaway" tablets and he doesn't like those.

Mentok said...

I am not a "good guy" ...

I am EVIL !


Library Mama said...

Oh - sorry Menty - didn't mean to blow your cover.....

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good week. And a four day la la..

Library Mama said...

Thanks, Happy. It has been a much better week - and it will be a great weekend too.


..................... said...

I realize you've been in a funk. I read some of your debating posts a week ago. But like you said...we seem to lead parallel lives. Glad you are feeling better and are finding things to be thanksful for again.
My 9 year old has had a sore throat all week long......see? parallel lives...

Big Pissy said...

Sounds like a good week! :)

Have a great weekend!

Library Mama said...

Schaumi - Sometimes when I read your comments, the Twilight Zone music plays in my mind.... Hope things are looking up for you just like they are for me.

Pissy - Thanks! I hope you have a great weekend too.

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Hi LM,
Sounds like yours is nothing short of a fun-filled life. This post is certainly insightful as to your day-to-day activities and future plans.
love from me

Library Mama said...

Glad you enjoyed it, Susan. I really enjoyed doing this post. It's good to have my attitude of gratitude back.
