Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Next Roger Ebert

We take our boys to lots of movies. We also rent quite a few movies and watch good ones when they come on TV.

Consequently, they seem to understand - and occasionally quote - some fairly obscure movie references.

I didn't realize how well-versed they were, though, until today.

#2 was looking at the label of some hummus I was nibbling at. He asked, "Is that pronounced hu-mus or hum-mus?"

#3 (He's six years old, remember?) starts to laugh and shouts out, "Soylent green is hu-mus!"



Bathroom Hippo said...

Sharp kids you two have!

Here in Utah you'll often hear:

1) napoleon dynamite quotes

2) dumb & dumber quotes

3) some obscure lds comedy quote

Anonymous said...

Is there anything kids can't learn from movies. I sometimes wonder if parents aren't becoming obsolete,ha,ha..

Lowa said...

I don't get it??

Do I have to be familiar with the movie to understand this??

Man, I totally feel like I am missing something:( LOL

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

'Wow' back, LM.
You're one proud mama!

love as always

Library Mama said...

Hippo - We hear our share of Napolean Dynamite quotes around here, too. Lately, though, the older boys have been quoting a lot of Stephen Colbert. They love his show. Did you know that he does voices for Harvey Birdman?

Happy - Oh - it's more than movies that make me wonder if parents are obsolete! :-)

Lowa - I'm sorry - You do sort of have to know the movie to get it.

*Spoiler ahead*

Soylent Green is a 70s-produced futuristic movie in which there is a huge human population and very little food. The people are fed this "soylent green" stuff which no one is really sure exactly what it is. At the end of the movie, the main character (played by Charlton Heston) discovers what soylent green is made of, and he shouts to the people, "Soylent green is people!"

#3 remembered it, though, as, "Soylent green is humans!" - thus the pun - "Soylent green is hu-mus!"

Susan - Yes, we are usually very proud of the boys. (I can't in good conscience write "always proud", but a good dose of humility is not a bad thing.

..................... said...

now i'm curious about the movie. i don't think any of us have seen it.

Library Mama said...

Schaumi - I wouldn't call it a classic, but you often see references to it in other places, so I suppose it's worth seeing.
