Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful...

...for new lino in our kitchen and our bathroom. It looks fantastic! I wasn't exactly sure if I loved it when we picked it out, but it suits our house perfectly.

...for soft tissues, hot lemon cold relief and this amazing effervescent vitaminy cold-fighting stuff we discovered at the local pharmacy.

...that I have a cold this week instead of next, when I have to do those long evening parent-teacher interviews. I hope I can shed it before then.

...for the financial ability to take our kids out for supper two nights in a row because we didn't have the use of our stove while the lino-installer guy was here.

...for #1's volleyball coach and team and all that goes along with it. His season is now finished - all except for the pizza lunch wind-up - and he's a little sad about it. He loved being part of a team.

...for #2's Cub leader and troop and for #3's Beaver leader and troop. Tuesday was the investiture. It was just the cutest thing ever, especially the little Beavers. They were told that they were passing from Kit Beavers to Eager Beavers. One of them (there's always at least one know-it-all) shouted out during that part of the ceremony, "A kit is a baby beaver!"

...for colleagues who, even after more years of teaching experience than I have, still are harried during this glorious season of report cards, making me feel a little better that I feel so harried.

...for Diet Coke and light popcorn.

...for my mom's Christmas china, sitting in my china cabinet, awaiting the holiday season.

...for my American friends, especially my American blog friends, as the celebrate the season of gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

I hope you all have a wonderful week. I may not have time for Thankful Thursday next week, as it's one of my long days, but believe me, I'll be grateful when all of my interviews are over and done with, shortly after 8:00 Thursday evening.


Anonymous said...

What happens if you phone in sick for the parent/teacher interviews. Do they get a substitute teacher to do them, ha,ha.

If a kit is a baby beaver what the heck is an eager..

Another good thankful list..

Lowa said...

This was wonderful! Sorry you are feeling sick.

I don't think I had discovered your blog yet when you did the Mother's Day post. It was beautiful! The farm I grew up on had to be sold last summer. It was heart breaking, but I am pleased that all of my kids at least have memories of it.

I need to go help Stud with the turkey and get my act in gear making some jello salads and pumpkin pie. Been lazy so far.

Have a great weekend resting up before your crazy week next week!

Bathroom Hippo said...

Amen @ the diet coke.

Busy Mom said...

And a Happy Thanksgiving to you if I may say that since I was remiss when you had your own!

..................... said...

thanks for the thanksgiving wishes..:)
i love your thankful thursday lists. i sometimes do them, but just at random and not planned. but it's good to remind ourselves of the good stuff at least on a weekly basis.....
such as....
in 8 days those parent teacher conferences will be over.

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Happy Thanksgiving, LM.
Honestly, was it time again for a Thankful Thursday?
Wondering how I missed this one.
Looks like Thursdays come around more often than nought.

lots of love

Anne-Marie said...

I hope you feel better soon!
