Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Wendy Whiner Sees the Light

Do you remember that series of sketches on Saturday Night Live featuring Doug and Wendy Whiner?

I'm afraid I've been quite the Wendy Whiner lately, and I'm sorry for that.

I've managed to lose many of my regular readers and even more of my regular commenters. Thank you so much to those of you who have stuck with me through my slump.

Right now, what I most regret is how churlish I've been to the parents where I teach. Granted, there are some parents there who don't really understand the concept of cooperating, and who seem determined to stir up problems that essentially don't exist, but there are also many wonderful parents who seek only to support us and, more importantly, support their children.

Friday, immediately after I was observed in my classroom by my principal, I walked into our library to be greeted by three tables full of appetizing salads, fresh bread and rolls, beautifully displayed meat and cheese trays, and decadent desserts. Our school council (AKA PTA) had planned a lunch for our staff during Teacher Appreciation Week in February, but scheduling conflicts had created problems. They decided to postpone the luncheon until June, and I can't think of a more wonderful day to have it. (Although, because I felt weak with relief due to the completion of my observation, I ate way too much. Oh well! C'est la vie.)

It was a truly wonderful lunch - and it seemed to be made-to-order for my situation.


Suzan Abrams, email: said...

I can't believe how you could lose any of your regular commentators?
I never once thought you whined.
Just be yourself!
I'm sure everyone will soon return. hugs.

Library Mama said...

Thank you, Susan. And I hope you're right. I would love to see everyone come back!

Dino said...

i love when people show appreciation in food. and for the record you haven't lost commentators I am sure I was just a bit busy sorry
