Thoughts on motherhood, marriage, education, and life in general...

About Me

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I am a mom, a wife, and a teacher-librarian. I have four boys at home: Main Man (44), #1 (14), #2 (11), and #3 (7). Although they keep me very busy, I also look after a library for an elementary student population of 500 (give or take). I love my family; I love my job.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dragging my Heels

This spring has been a tough one emotionally for me.

I constantly feel so far behind.

I thought once report cards and parent teacher interviews and library book fair were over, I would be able to relax a little, but it hasn't really seemed that way. I think I got so far behind then that I'm still catching up now.

I'm at the stage now where my mind is so full of things that have to get done that it simply can't concentrate on getting anything done.

I'm misplacing things, forgetting to return phone calls and emails, missing permissions slips that must be signed, just generally in a dense fog of nothingness.

I go through sprints when I feel I must plough through all of the necessary before I can reward myself with a smidge of the enjoyable. Although on paper (or on the screen, I suppose) this sounds like a good plan, it ends up not as good as it sounds, for all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. In my case, it makes me grouchy, surly, and snappish.

I gave up blogging for a short while when I was at my busiest. I found that I missed all of you so much that the sacrifice back-fired. I spent almost the same amount of time in front of the computer, but I played mindless games instead, supposedly my reward for the sacrifice. It would have made better sense not to have sacrificed in the first place.

Ofttimes, when my brain is filled with this fog, there just isn't room for logic and priorities and simple common sense.


Bathroom Hippo said...

Been there with the fog. Still have fog....can't get rid of it till Finals are over. 4 tests in 4 days.

Then I think to myself...people have it harder than me.

Library Mama said...

Good luck with those finals, Hip.

Dino said...

yeah this spring has been hard for me too. my life is always busy but with taking time out for my friend and then last week for the video - i just got so behind I don't even know where to start

Grumps said...

I know what you mean: Swamped at one job, working extra at another to make up for some poor sales months Jan to March, kids activities peaking and hockey playoffs to boot. Whew!

Library Mama said...

Katy - I know. Those big projects just take so much, and then we have to catch up when they're finished. I sure hope your video pays off!

Grumps - Yup! It's a whirlwind

Big Pissy said...

This spring has been a tough one...and now this tragedy at Virginia Tech.... :(

Hope things get better for you soon! :)

Anonymous said...

I totally know what you mean about having so much to do that you can't do any of it. I find myself in that position too often. Good luck figuring out how to get yourself out from under the pile!

Library Mama said...

Pissy - I know. My problems seem so minute when put in that context. Ironically, just before Easter, we had our first lockdown drill at the school where I teach. Practicing for an event like that is just too surreal.

Carrie - Thanks for your kind wishes. I guess I'll just plug away, one job at a time.

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

The forgetfulness is from the stress - that will pass definitely but while it's still there, just stay alert to all your possessions, make sure you have every necessary item so as not to misplace anything. Just makes little notes of things to be done and tick them off as you go along. Think tiny steps. Forget the big picture.
Don't worry if you can't visit me for awhile. I'll still be here.

Love you, Library Mama. :-)

Library Mama said...

Oh, Susan, you're so sweet. I started yesterday on much the course you subscribe and I actually did find one of the important things I had lost. There's still one more important thing out there that I need, but you're right. I should take a deep breath and relax. "Leave them alone and they'll come home...."

Library Mama said...

Oh, Susan, you're so sweet. I started yesterday on much the course you subscribe and I actually did find one of the important things I had lost. There's still one more important thing out there that I need, but you're right. I should take a deep breath and relax. "Leave them alone and they'll come home...."
